Help me run this site
Most blogs/sites fill their pages with ads and affiliate links to help offset the costs of running the site. While I can’t promise I won’t ever do a sponsored post or affiliate programs, I absolutely refuse to be involved with AdSense. A page full of ads would distract you from my content, they don’t fit my aesthetic, and frankly, I find the relentless barrage of advertisements incredibly annoying. We don’t always need to be sold something.
The entire point of this website is to share my ideas and projects with you, for free, in hopes that I can inspire some sort of creativity in the world. I added the shop because I love making the things I do, and enough of you love them too.
All of that said, if you’re up for it, please go check out the Mercauts; there’s always something interesting over there. If you don’t see anything you like, please share my posts or products with your friends as that helps much, much more than you’d think. And lastly, if you really really want, I will gladly accept donations. Every penny goes toward this website.
All of my social and sales links are here, or you can donate to me directly through PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, or Ko-fi.
There’s never any obligation whatsoever for any of these, and I do absolutely appreciate you for reading this far down. <3